Seek Out the Joy!
As January ends, winter has set in and the energy that surrounds us has slowed our paces considerably. Enough so we can take stock of where we are and where we would like to be going. As we have slowed we have been able to see our surroundings for what they are, and what place we have among them. To assess the tools that are at our disposal and what we have to assist ourselves in what we would like to manifest and create for ourselves.
Making plans to move forward through this year are becoming more clear as the days pass. just ask my little black sheep Randy, who has decided he is coming into the house for love and companionship, as well as going for rides in the truck to see what else is in our small part of the world (just like his “brother” Lester the Whoodle)…the universe seems to be clearing the way for the life he wants too…
What changes do you want to see in your surroundings, yourself, and your healing journey?
What tools do you have to assist in these changes?
Are you willing to do the work you need and let change happen as the universe sees fit? Or are you going to try to force things (and by the way, how’s that been going for you so far?)
These plans that we make for our hopes and dreams every year affect every aspect of our lives. Seeds are sown every spring, literally and figuratively and grow into fruition, or not depending on the tools and care that we implement. Do we accept that we need to put in the work to cultivate these outcomes? To learn, to work at things daily, and then take ownership and delight in the outcome of that daily work?
My little black sheep Randy, who despite having a foot that did not form in the normally learned how to walk, then run and then climb steps to get to a door. He didn’t stop there, he learned how to open a door with his mouth to join his best friend and brother Lester, for shenanigans in the house.
This sweet little lamb has a plan, to get inside and play (and is now attempting to also get in the truck for rides) and is willing to learn to get to where his little heart wants to be. He is opening doors to my heart, our home and possibilities for himself that I never imagined happing (okay to be honest, I may have imagined them, but not in the short span of a couple of months.)
Maybe that is a place that we can join him on his journey and start doing what we need to, to create the life we would like to have. To seek out and find our joy, make our hearts and souls happy.
Right now, at this time of year, is where we decide how we are going to move forward. Choosing our tools, creative being, and attitudes that will move us into spring.
I am sending you all love and hope you open your own doors to love, joy, happiness and compassion.
All My Best,
Dr. Nicole and Randy too!