energy healing

Working with Crystals: Clear Quartz

Good day lovely people! Dr. Nicole and I are starting to bring new tools to the website to assist you in your healing. We will slowly be rolling out new things for you over the next couple of months. Today we are starting by adding with Working with Crystals to your tool box.

Many of you may already know this information, but sometimes a quick review will also give you a needed reminder of a crystal’s properties or just a word that resonates with an intention you feel you need to make.

If you are new to working with crystals please enjoy the information that you find here, and let it lead you to explore if it captures your attention.


Today we start with Clear Quartz, due to its specificl crystalline structure it is the most powerful healing and energy amplifying crystal. It can be found all over the world and is known to be called the universal crystal do to its many uses. It is able to enhance energy by absorbing, storing, amplifying, balancing, focusing and transmitting it.

This crystal is helpful to the body, mind, and spirit. For healing it is helpful with any condition for it helps with the immune system and helps bring your body back into balance. It helps to cleanse and purify as well. I can be used for any part of the body and chakra. For the mind it improves concentration, and balances it with the body and spirit. For the spirit, it helps raise your energy to its highest level, back into harmony and balance, before you knew dis-ease.

Clear quartz is also helpful in the amplification of properties with all other crystals when they are used together.

To start working with this crystal, choose one that calls to you. Crystals need to be cleared of any energy that they have come in contact with or previous use, you are going to be creating a ‘blank slate” so to speak to work on the energy you want to work with. You can do this by running this crystal under the tap, in a water fall, cleansing it in the ocean or other salt water, smudging or letting it sit under a full or new moon. Please choose what ever cleansing technique call to you.

After this is done, sit with the piece of Quartz in your hand or on any part of the body you wish to focus on, it should be rather easy, quartz with help you with your focus as well. Be clear on what you would like assistance with. Remember it can be used anywhere one the body, for need of clarity for the mind, and helps raise your spiritual energy in matters in this area as well.

Make sure you give yourself enough time to work with your crystal, that your words, prayers and intentions are clear, you feel that you have been heard and have allowed the changes that you are seeking to start to take place for you. Trust yourself to know this has started.

Quartz is also helpful when you focus on an affirmation or mantra in regards of what you would like assistance with.

Questions to ponder:

What would you like to have healing assistance with?

Do you need something to come into focus? into balance?

Do you need assistance in spiritual work?

Love and Blessings,


Please let us know if there is additional information you would like about crystals themselves, we will have a Q&A answering post as well!

Sitting with the Unsettled

Have you ever been in a situation where something does not feel right? Something feels off, but you cannot put your finger on it? For myself, I have felt this many times over the years. Definitely more so in the last year. The energy doesn’t feel right, nothing feels like it has an easy flow. Instantly, I always look for outside forces, the moon, storms, cloudy day, the planets, the unsettled world, did I eat something bad, did Randy get in the bird seed…the list is end less. Honestly, I could spend hours analyzing the “outside reasons” for the unsettle that I am feeling, which can range from mild to extreme.

Somedays, the unsettled also seems to be a void of energy as if I am not able to put any energy into that void other than to let it be. Again, it is just something that you cannot quite grasp or make sense of, or even explain. It just has a presence.

I talk a lot about connecting with nature, because it gets my energy into the present moment, and being with my animals in the present moment is so grounding. Although it may not “settle” that energy, it gives it time to clear. Finding little rituals at this time is important. I keep a little space set up with a candle and a crystal or two. Whatever, I am called to do at the time. Lighting that candle and just asking the universe for some supportive energy is important, meditation or other rituals may not feel “easy” to connect with during this time, just something small is all that is needed to ask and start receiving the support that is needed.


Be forgiving of yourself, know that the unsettle may not be external, internal or even yours. It could be the energy around you at the time. Say a little prayer for yourself, for the space where you are, send some serious love to yourself and then out to the world, and you will find peace in the moment.

All My Best,

Dr. Nicole

20 Hawks

Ever have a time when a few chapters in your life where everything feels stagnant? No matter how much you try to meditate, try to change your surroundings, fight off the urge to run, basically just try to see things differently, just to feel something that is different than the “funk” surrounding you, the “funk” that is within you? It is difficult to sit with your own energy, especially when the world around us feels like a slow hamster wheel.

I have been lost many times along my way, and while I do manage to spend time every single day outside due to the needs of my animals I don’t always take enough time to just be in my surroundings, soaking in the messages from nature.


Have you ever been traveling somewhere and seen a bird, deer, dragonfly or raccoon? Did you ever take a moment to think in that the exact moment about the message that came along with seeing that animal? Being present in the moment is the best way to allow your energy to be open to receive the spiritual gifts that are presenting themselves to you.

Last month, the energy during Mercury Retrograde was heavy for some, almost feel like having blinders on, or basically treading water. It was during this time spirit reminded me to take time to be in my surroundings, to “see” what animals and messages that where coming my way.


It was a random day of the week, it felt no different than any other day, except I noticed a hawk sitting in a tree. All of a sudden my heart felt lighter. I felt my energy shift, as hawks represent the ability to use intuition and higher vision in order to complete tasks or make important decisions. Within an hour and a half, I had seen 14 hawks, and by the time the sunset, I had seen a total of 20.


Up until that day, I had been feeling stuck. These bird messengers gifted me with a new perspective, a sense of clarity and a big hug from the spirit world and beyond that there is never a moment my soul is left alone. It was extremely powerful, and a reminder to be present, to keep you heart open and be willing to be uncomfortable in your own skin, for it is a way to shed off a few energetical layers to reveal something new.

While I have my own spirit animal through my shamanic work, every encounter I have is a message from the spirit world and is gifting me a piece of wisdom I need to have in my life. Take a deep breath, ask for help when you need, look around and you will be surprised what you see.


New Healing Support Appointments

I have sat with the question this spring on how to move forward in my offerings to support you in your healing journey. I found myself drawn towards tools and practices that support the mind, body and spirit together. This work is with the energy that the body receives, holds and releases. This work will assist in getting your body’s energy to move throughout it fluidly and balance this energy within the body, as well as assist with shifting it to be in tune with your body’s healing process.

Listed below are the new healing support appointments I will be offering:


New - 60 Minute Sound Healing

Clearing and lifting your energy through sound.  Bath yourself in vibrations of my crystal bowls and additional musical instruments. We will work on aligning your energy with the vibrations of healing and love. Welcoming the highest good for your body, mind, and soul.

New - 60 Minute Energy Healing

Through my Shamanic practice, I have learned there are many different energy healing modalities.  Here, I will work with the many tools I have acquired as we explore healing on many different levels for your body, mind, and soul. During this time I will call on and direct energy into the areas where it is needed most for your healing. We will work with this energy to actively bring forward what is needed to assist you in healing and to learn how you can continue the healing work you need to do going forward.

New - 30 Minute Guided Meditation

Assisting you to become grounded, aware of yourself, aware of your healing needs and to empower yourself to explore calling on the energy needed for your own body, mind, and soul.  Meditations are used for many different needs, whether they are physical, energetical, or spiritual, they assist in calling in the energy to help your body vibrate or towards vibrating on the healing level that it needs. This guided meditation also assists you in being mindful of your needs and moving towards the healing that you seek.

Please see the booking page for pricing information and availability.

All My Best,

Dr. Nicole